Sonny Daze


“Dere, Dere, shut up you’re gonna wake him!”

“Shh, piss off!”

Sonny scrunches his nose a little as he crawls out of his slumber, slowly coming to consciousness.

“Great going, dumbass, you totally woke him up!”

His face itches, or maybe tickles, he’s a little too sleepy to really tell the difference. Sonny reaches up to scratch. Something brushes the back of his hand on the way up, and he swats at it, but it’s gone by the time his hand gets there.

“Shut up, shut up, he’s up now, scram!”

Sonny opens his eyes a little, then rubs at them, the edges of sleep clinging blearily to his vision as he yawns. When he pulls his hand back, he notices that his palm is smeared with red eyeshadow. Dammit, he forgot to take his makeup off before bed again. Whatever. He’s going for a raccoonish look anyway. He can hear Derek giggling just a few feet from him.

“Dere, shut up!” Matt snickers. 

“Euuughhh,” Sonny appends, eloquently. He sits up and rubs at his eyes some more. Some eyeliner stains his hands too, but he can’t be fucked to care. He blinks until his vision is completely clear, or at least only its usual degree of myopic. Matt and Derek are sitting in the back of the van with him, one on either side. They’re both grinning like idiots, which is cause for concern even when Sonny’s not feeling like he just crawled up from the grave. He peers over Matt’s tall shoulders up at the front seats.

“Where’s Trav?” Sonny mumbles. 

“Went to Burger King with Atreyu,” Matt answers with a smarmy grin, clearly trying to hold back laughter. “Told him to bring us back something, but we assumed you’d want your usual.”

Sonny’s usual order, at this time of the morning, is some damn peace and quiet so he can sleep in; no food necessary, don’t spend the money. His stomach grumbles at him. He’d really like breakfast right now. He’s so hungry it hurts. 

He smiles at Matt. “Yeah, you were right. Thanks for letting me get my beauty sleep.”

Derek bursts out in laughter, and okay, now Sonny knows something’s not right. He drops the smile and gets up, heading toward the front of the van. He peers at himself in the rearview mirror- same ugly, acne-riddled face, makeup a smeared mess… 

“Oh, fuck you guys. I take that all back.”

Matt and Derek are both laughing like idiots now, and yeah, Sonny can admit that he’d be laughing too if he was in on the joke instead of being the butt of it. But come on, drawing mustaches and dicks on people’s faces is so fucking middle school.

“Real fucking mature, guys,” he groans, licking his thumb and trying his best to wipe away the stark black marks with little success. Ugh, he’s not going around looking like this. Eventually, Sonny announces, “I’m gonna go find somewhere to wash this shit off.”

“Noooo~” Matt whines, sitting up on his knees and wrapping his arms around Sonny’s waist. He tugs the lead singer backwards, and with a yelp, Sonny stumbles and falls flat on his ass, pinning Matt’s arm underneath him. Derek giggles and flops onto Sonny’s torso.

“You can’t go until after breakfast, we’re gonna have a big family breakfast!”

“I’m not fucking eating breakfast!” Sonny protests, trying to push Derek off him. The drummer is dead weight, it seems, and it takes all his effort to get Derek to roll over onto the van floor next to him, head just barely avoiding collision with his drums. Sonny pushes himself to sit up again, Matt’s arms still around his waist.

“Noooo, but Travie has to see our masterpiece, Sonny!” Matt insists, grinning like a fucking idiot.
“And we didn’t even get pictures for MySpace yet!”

“And I’d appreciate it if you two would get out of my space!” Sonny huffs, baring his teeth as he shoves Matt back, hand straight over his mouth so he’ll shut up. Sonny feels something wet and warm against his palm and quickly recoils his hand in disgust. “Ew, did you just lick me?!”

“You taste good~”

“Gross, dude!”

Matt laughs at that and licks Sonny’s arm, and then takes a little nibble of him, and Derek is staring like he wants to join in, so Sonny tries to slap Matt away, but then his hand’s on his hip and pushing up his shirt, and Derek is crawling back on top of him, too, and-

“Guys, stop-” Sonny grits out, elbowing Derek away. He’s used to these two fucking with him, roughhousing, making him pose for stupid-ass pictures, but this is starting to cross a line, even for them. Matt’s mouth is on him again, and Sonny shoves him back with the strength of his whole shoulder, then shoves Derek back with his knee. The drummer is forced up against the back of the rear seats and Sonny clambers out from Matt’s grasp, crawling into the back seat to catch his breath. 

“You guys are taking this too fucking far,” Sonny says firmly as he looks down on them from above, and Matt whines, rubbing at his collarbone where Sonny shoved him.

“Well, you could’ve said that before you hit me, dude.”

“Sorry I didn’t want you trying to fucking cannibalize me, man.” Sonny scowls. He’s pissed now, because this happens constantly. He’s always the laughing stock of the band, always will be- he’s small and easy to push around, he knows that. Young and gullible and doesn’t put his foot down half as much as he should. But for fuck’s sake, it’s barely ten in the morning.

“You’re no fun,” Derek complains.

“You know what? I’m cool with that. Go have fun with each other. Draw all the dicks you want, suck each other’s dicks, leave me alone.”

“Hey, wait, Sonny, we didn’t-”

“Fuck off, Matt.” Sonny grabs his Clandestine Industries hoodie from the floorboard and tugs it on, then grabs his IPod and opens one of the side doors of the van. “I’m going for a walk, don’t follow me, don’t try to apologize, I’ll make it to our set later but I’m serious, leave me alone .” 

With that, Sonny steps out of the van and puts in his earbuds. He hits play on his favorite Aphex Twin album and heads out across the parking lot, going wherever his feet take him- he’s not really sure where he’s going, but as long as it’s not back to the van, he doesn’t care.